This login is only for AAT students starting AQ22 Qualifications in September. Students continuing AQ16 qualifications please go to our old website or click the AQ16 button on the main page.



Subscription Payments

Sepera College is offering for the first time subscription payments for all courses.

What are subscription payments?

Subscription payments, also called recurring payments, are automatic payments on a schedule

Particularly, subscription services tend to charge on a monthly or annual schedule, until a customer withdraws permission or cancels the subscription.

Recurring payments require students to sign a one-time authorization form.

Sepera College is using payment system Gocardless to collect subscriptions monthly, every month the same day during the period of the agreement.

See bellow period of agreement for each AAT level

AAT Bookkeeping

AAT Accounting

If you do not finish your course within this time frame additional fees will apply – 10% of the original price for extending your course for another 12 months.

Payment Agreement Forms

Payment Agreement Form
Please fill out our form below and upload your pdf document with Payment Agreement Form.

"*" indicates required fields

Max. file size: 12 GB.
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Enquiry Form
Please fill out our form, and we'll get in touch shortly.

"*" indicates required fields

Are you a Sepera College student?*
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Have Some Questions?
Please fill out our form, and we'll get in touch shortly.

"*" indicates required fields

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